Taking FAIR on the ChIN: The Chemistry Implementation Network

Simon J. Coles*, Jeremy G. Frey, Egon L. Willighagen, Stuart J. Chalk

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The Chemistry Implementation Network (ChIN) is focused on supporting the FAIR Data needs of the research community regarding chemical related data. An Implementation Network is a consortium drawn from a community, in this case the chemistry discipline, committed to defining and constructing standards, materials and software in the spirit of the FAIR data principles and under the structure of the GO FAIR project. Furthermore, as a core science the ChIN has to reach beyond the chemistry community and support the use of chemical information in other disciplines. This will be facilitated through connections in the GO FAIR ecosystem of Implementation Networks. Examples of the FAIR chemical concepts that need to be supported include molecular and materials structures, chemical reactions, nomenclature and other chemical terminology and conventions. The ChIN aims to drive forward the application of the FAIR Data Principles relating to the full range of chemistry concepts that are key to the transparent and efficient communication of chemical information. Realizing the goal of FAIR chemistry data will require a culture change across the discipline. However this is best addressed once a critical mass of tools and approaches has been developed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)131-138
Number of pages8
JournalData Intelligence
Issue number1-2
Early online date2019
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2020


  • Chemistry
  • Chemical information
  • Chemistry data
  • Chemical data standards
  • Infrastructure
  • Nomenclature
  • Molecular structure
  • Materials structure
  • Chemical reactions
  • Education
  • Community engagement
  • Endorsement and governance


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