Sweet temptation: effects of exposure to chocolate-scented lotion on food intake

J.S. Coelho*, A. Idler, C.O.C. Werle, A. Jansen

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Food-scented products are widely available, yet it is unclear whether they influence eating behavior. Food-related cues can increase intake; therefore, it was anticipated that conscious exposure to food-scented products (e.g., body lotion) could also influence consumption. Female participants (n = 58) were randomly assigned to an exposure condition (labeled chocolate lotion, unlabeled chocolate lotion, or unscented lotion), and their subsequent intake of chocolate-chip cookies was measured. A significant effect of condition on intake emerged. Those who knew that they were evaluating a chocolate-scented lotion ate more than did those exposed to the same (unlabeled) lotion, suggesting that conscious exposure to chocolate-related products may increase food intake.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)780-784
JournalFood Quality and Preference
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2011


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