SIMPLE: implementation of recommendations from international evidence-based guidelines on caesarean sections in the Netherlands. Protocol for a controlled before and after study
Sonja Melman*, Ellen N. C. Schoorel, Carmen Dirksen, Anneke Kwee, Luc Smits, Froukje de Boer, Madelaine Jonkers, Mallory D. Woiski, Ben Willem J. Mol, Johannes P. R. Doornbos, Harry Visser, Anjoke J. M. Huisjes, Martina M. Porath, Friso M. C. Delemarre, Simone M. I. Kuppens, Robert Aardenburg, Ivo M. A. Van Dooren, Francis P. J. M. Vrouenraets, Frans T. H. Lim, Gunilla KleiverdaPaulien C. M. van der Salm, Karin de Boer, Marko J. Sikkema, Jan G. Nijhuis, Rosella P. M. G. Hermens, Liesbeth Scheepers
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