Science Becoming Popular: Colour Slides, Colour Discs and Colour Tops

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


Over the last decades the popularisation of science has become an important frame for studying the abundant use of magic lantern slides, and Victorian Britain often served as the backdrop of inquiry.¹ Although science popularisation provides a promising alternative for technologically focused ‘pre-cinema’ accounts, the study of magic lantern practices from such a popularisation perspective comes with new challenges. The very notion of ‘popularisation’ tends towards one-directional dissemination practices, whereas historians of science commonly embrace constructivist, contextual or network approaches to study the co-evolution of science and society. This paper proposes a focus on ‘science becoming popular’ in order to...
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationA Million Pictures
Subtitle of host publicationMagic Lantern Slides in the History of Learning
EditorsSarah Dellmann, Frank Kessler
Place of PublicationNew Barnet, Herts
PublisherJohn Libbey
ISBN (Electronic)9780861969555
ISBN (Print)9780861967353
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Publication series

SeriesKINtop Studies in Early Cinema

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