Risk of upper limb complaints due to computer use in older persons: a randomized study

M.P.J. van Boxtel*, K. Slegers, J. Jolles, J.M. Ruijgrok

*Corresponding author for this work

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We studied whether the twelve-month use of a standard computer would induce complaints of upper limb pain or functional limitations in older novice computer users.Participants between 64 and 76 of age were randomly assigned to an Intervention group (n = 62), whose members received a personal computer and fast Internet access at their homes, or a No Intervention control group (n = 61), whose members refrained from computer use during the twelve month study period.Difference scores between baseline and twelve months assessments on both complaint (SFS) and functional health scales (SF-36) did not differ between groups (all p > .05).Prolonged, self-paced use of a standard computer interface does not put older persons at a risk of upper limb complaints or reduce functional health in older adults.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-21
JournalBMC Geriatrics
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007


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