Results of the PAS Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Web-Based Multiple Tailored Smoking Cessation Program Combined With Tailored Counseling by Practice Nurses

E. S. Smit*, M. J. J. M. Candel, C. Hoving, H. de Vries

*Corresponding author for this work

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This study investigated the effects of Web-based multiple computer tailoring and counseling by a practice nurse (MTC) compared with computer tailoring without counseling (MT) and usual care (UC) on smoking cessation rates, via a randomized controlled trial with 414 Dutch adult smokers, recruited by 91 practice nurses from May 2009 to June 2010. Logistic multilevel regression analyses were conducted with 24-hour point prevalence, 7-day point prevalence, and prolonged abstinence after 6 and 12 months as dependent variables and experimental condition as the independent variable. After 6 and 12 months, 38% and 56% of respondents were followed up, respectively. At both follow-ups, no main effects of the interventions could be identified when comparing them with care as usual and with each otherneither in analyses using available data nor in analyses using a negative scenario in which respondents lost to follow-up were considered to still be smoking. A Web-based multiple computer-tailored smoking cessation program combined with a single face-to-face counseling session by a practice nurse may not be more effective than this computer-tailored program alone or than usual smoking cessation care in the general practice setting. Yet before concluding that the addition of counseling to Web-based computer tailoring cannot be successful, more research needs to be conducted to identify the optimal number of counseling sessions to be combined with the Web-based program and to how to best attune the two modalities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1165-1173
JournalHealth Communication
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2016


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