Ready? Steady? Grow! Readiness for Participating in Learning in Dual Education

J. De Groof, E. Daniels*, D. Gijbels, E. Kyndt, B. Wille, P. Van den Bossche

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Pupils' and students' learning in the workplace and dual education has drawn increased attention because it is, among others, relevant in combating youth unemployment, increasing individual employability, and organisations' ability to provide high quality services and products. However, research focusing on pupils' and students' readiness to participate in learning in the workplace is scarce and scattered. The present study was conducted to get a deeper insight into readiness to participate in learning in the workplace, and more particular in the Flemish (Belgium) context of dual education. The study applied a multi-method approach including literature review, document study, semi-structured interviews and member checking. The study resulted in a conceptualisation of 'willingness to participate in learning in the workplace' and 'maturity for learning in the workplace' including clusters of competencies related to participation in the workplace, learning in the workplace, and motivation for learning and participating in the workplace. This conceptualisation contributes to the development of policy and practice through providing a basis for assessing readiness to participate in dual education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)477-496
Number of pages20
JournalVocations and Learning
Issue number3
Early online date14 Jul 2022
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022


  • Learning in the workplace
  • Dual learning
  • Readiness for dual learning
  • Vocational education and training
  • VET


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