Rational Pain Management in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1 (CRPS 1) - A Network Meta-Analysis

M.M. Wertli*, A.G.H. Kessels, R.S.G.M Perez, L.M. Bachmann, F. Brunner

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


ObjectiveGuidelines for complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) 1 advocate several substance classes to reduce pain and support physical rehabilitation, but guidance about which agent should be prioritized when designing a therapeutic regimen is not provided. Using a network meta-analytic approach, we examined the efficacy of all agent classes investigated in randomized clinical trials of CRPS 1 and provide a rank order of various substances stratified by length of illness duration.

DesignIn this study a network meta-analysis was conducted.

PatientsThe participants of this study were patients with CRPS 1.

MethodSearches in electronic, previous systematic reviews, conference abstracts, book chapters, and the reference lists of relevant articles were performed. Eligible studies were randomized controlled trials comparing at least one analgesic agent with placebo or with another analgesic and reporting efficacy in reducing pain. Summary efficacy stratified by symptom duration and length of follow-up was computed across all substance classes. Two authors independently extracted data.

ResultsIn total, 16 studies were included in the analysis. Bisphosphonates appear to be the treatment of choice in early stages of CRPS 1. The effects of calcitonin surpass that of bisphosphonates and other substances as a short-term medication in more chronic stages of the illness. While most medications showed some efficacy on short-term follow-up, only bisphosphonates, NMDA analogs, and vasodilators showed better long-term pain reduction than placebo.

LimitationFor some drug classes, only a few studies were available and many studies included a small group of patients. Insufficient data were available to analyze efficacy on disability.

ConclusionThis network meta-analysis indicates that a rational pharmacological treatment strategy of pain management should consider bisphosphonates in early CRPS 1 and a short-term course of calcitonin in later stages. While most medications showed some efficacy on short-term follow-up, only bisphosphonates, NMDA analogs and vasodilators showed better long-term pain reduction than placebo.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1575-1589
Number of pages15
JournalPain Medicine
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2014


  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • CRPS
  • Pain Management
  • Treatment Strategy
  • Network Meta-Analysis


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