Random Perfect Information Games

J. Flesch, A. Predtetchinski*, V. Suomala

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The paper proposes a natural measure space of zero-sum perfect information games with upper semicontinuous payoffs. Each game is specified by the game tree and by the assignment of the active player and the capacity to each node of the tree. The payoff in a game is defined as the infimum of the capacity over the nodes that have been visited during the play. The active player, the number of children, and the capacity are drawn from a given joint distribution independently across the nodes. We characterize the cumulative distribution function of the value v using the fixed points of the so-called value-generating function. The characterization leads to a necessary and sufficient condition for the event v >= k to occur with positive probability. We also study probabilistic properties of the set of player I's k-optimal strategies and the corresponding plays.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)708-727
Number of pages21
JournalMathematics of Operations Research
Issue number2
Early online date29 Aug 2022
Publication statusPublished - May 2023


  • zero-sum game
  • perfect information
  • value
  • Gatton-Watson measure
  • branching process
  • Galton–Watson measure


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