Processing speed in recurrent visual networks correlates with general intelligence

J. Jolij*, D. Huisman, S. Scholte, R. Hamel, C. Kemner, V.A. Lamme

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Studies on the neural basis of general fluid intelligence strongly suggest that a smarter brain processes information faster. Different brain areas, however, are interconnected by both feedforward and feedback projections. Whether both types of connections or only one of the two types are faster in smarter brains remains unclear. Here we show, by measuring visual evoked potentials during a texture discrimination task, that general fluid intelligence shows a strong correlation with processing speed in recurrent visual networks, while there is no correlation with speed of feedforward connections. The hypothesis that a smarter brain runs faster may need to be refined: a smarter brain's feedback connections run faster.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)39-43
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007


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