Precarious, Informalizing, and Flexible Work: Transforming Concepts and Understandings

D.L. Arnold*, J.R. Bongiovi

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


There is a considerable body of academic and activist research that studies the prevalence of precariousness in contemporary societies. It goes by many names that are often interchangeable, including precarious work, precarity, informalization, and casualization. These are typically rooted in emerging theories of labor and work that temporally correspond to the globalization of production, distribution, and consumption in the neoliberal era. This article examines new ways of looking at the global economic system as a whole while focusing on the diverse experiences associated with precarious work. We address prominent social movements and scholarly responses to changes in work and life, including transforming politics and policy initiatives.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)289-308
Number of pages20
JournalAmerican Behavioral Scientist
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2013


  • casualization
  • contractualization
  • flexibilization
  • informal employment
  • informalization
  • precarious work


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