Plaatsing van een enkel embryo per IVF-cyclus: antwoord op elke hulpvraag?

N. M. J. Achten, Wybo Dondorp, Ben Willem Mol

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The Dutch eSETpolicy is justifiable in case a healthy singleton is the main goal. However, patients who want to create a family of more children may for that reason welcome twins. Despite the cryopreservation options, some future parents prefer DET over eSET. Misunderstood assumptions about pregnancy chances aside, valid reasons include the wish to undergo as few fertility treatments as possible. Only 2 studies have evaluated maternal and neonatal risks comparing one DET with two consecutive eSET procedures. These suggest there are slightly higher maternal and neonatal risks related to the DET approach. Instead of dismissing requests for DET out of hand, professionals should be willing to explore with their patients whether the benefits for them would outweigh the reasons for supporting eSET. Transfer policy should allow for wellconsidered DETrequests from patients who would welcome twins, in view of their family plans. Conflict of interest and financial support: none declared.

Original languageDutch
Article numberD1887
JournalNederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
Issue number49
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2017

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