Personal norms in the online public good game

Marco Catola, Simone D'Alessandro*, Pietro Guarnieri, Veronica Pizziol

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This paper shows that personal norms have a prominent role in explaining pro-social contribution in an online public good game. This finding suggests that the role of social norms might be loosened when subjects are distanced and interaction occurs online and in complete anonymity. Moreover, we found no statistically significant difference between the elicited norms and the norms that were elicited in a group of subjects not facing the contribution task, thus ruling out a potential self-justification bias.
Original languageEnglish
Article number110024
Number of pages3
JournalEconomics Letters
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021

JEL classifications

  • c90 - Design of Experiments: General
  • d71 - "Social Choice; Clubs; Committees; Associations"
  • h40 - Publicly Provided Goods: General


  • Public good game
  • Online experiment
  • Personal norms
  • Social norms
  • Belief elicitation
  • Social dilemma

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