Parallel, AA/BB, AB/BA and Balaam's design: efficient and maximin choices when testing the treatment effect in a mixed effects linear regression

Math J. J. M. Candel*

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When examining the effect of treatment A versus B, there may be a choice between a parallel group design, an AA/BB design, an AB/BA cross-over and Balaam's design. In case of a linear mixed effects regression, it is examined, starting from a flexible function of the costs involved and allowing for subject dropout, which design is most efficient in estimating this effect. For no carry-over, the AB/BA cross-over design is most efficient as long as the dropout rate at the second measurement does not exceed 2?/(1?+?), ? being the intraclass correlation. For steady-state carry-over, depending on the costs involved, the dropout rate and ?, either a parallel design or an AA/BB design is most efficient. For types of carry-over that allow for self carry-over, interest is in the direct treatment effect plus the self carry-over effect, with either an AA/BB or Balaam's design being most efficient. In case of insufficient knowledge on the dropout rate or ?, a maximin strategy is devised: choose the design that minimizes the maximum variance of the treatment estimator. Such maximin designs are derived for each type of carry-over.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)97-106
JournalPharmaceutical Statistics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • AB
  • BA cross-over design
  • Balaam's design
  • efficient design
  • maximin design
  • (extended) parallel design


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