Netwerkrichtlijn kindermishandeling en huiselijk geweld in Limburg

E.B. Burger, B.C.M. Hermans, D.M.C.B. van Zeben-van der Aa

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In the netherlands partners of the network acute care of the province of limburg, the advice and reporting centre for child abuse and neglect, and the regional centre for domestic violence have launched a network guideline in august 2012. The network guideline aims for strengthening collaboration and information transfer between organisations in the network, to improve the care for the child and the parents. The interconnections between the different partners were defined and minimal criteria for information transfer were formulated. Individual partners remained responsible for their own protocol on child abuse and domestic violence. Evaluation of the network guideline in 2013 showed a more active participation of the partners in the management of child abuse. Information transfer between partners showed great improvements. However, further optimization of the information transfers are needed together with agreements about the approach to domestic violence.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)64-69
JournalTijdschrift voor Kindergeneeskunde
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014

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