Minimum separator reconfiguration

Guilherme C.M. Gomes*, Clément Legrand-Duchesne, Reem Mahmoud, Amer E. Mouawad, Yoshio Okamoto, Vinicius F. dos Santos, Tom C. van der Zanden

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We study the problem of reconfiguring s-t-separators on finite simple graphs. We consider several variants of the problem, focusing on the token sliding and jumping models. We begin with a polynomial-time algorithm that computes (if one exists) a shortest sequence of slides and another that decides if a sequence of jumps exists and outputs a witnessing sequence. We also show that deciding if a reconfiguration sequence of at most ℓ jumps exists is an NP-complete problem. To complement this result, we investigate the parameterized complexity of the natural parameterizations of the problem: by the size k of the minimum s-t-separators and by the number of jumps ℓ. We show that the problem is in FPT parameterized by k, but that it does not admit a polynomial kernel unless NP⊆coNP/poly. Our final result is a kernel with O(ℓ 2) vertices and edges.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103574
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of Computer and System Sciences
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2024


  • Combinatorial reconfiguration
  • Kernelization
  • Minimum separators
  • Parameterized complexity


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