Midterm Report GLOCULL

Astrid Offermans, Michele Dalla Fontana, Fabiano Moreiro, Darin Wahl, Barry Ness, Tamara Mitrofanenko, Kim Ressar, Nigel Forrest, Amanda Gcanga, Phillip Bernert

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic

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In this report we describe the seven living labs of our GLOCULL project. We start with a general introduction of each living lab and the experiment(s) lying at the hearts of the labs. Afterwards we apply the evaluative scheme that we have developed in the GLOCULL project to each living lab. The evaluative scheme comprises of constructs (i.e. questions) that will be answered for the seven Living Labs. More information on the evaluative scheme and a manual on how to use the scheme, can be found at our GLOCULL website, or by contacting one of the contact persons referred to below. The information in this report provides the state of the art knowledge on the living labs according to the situation in November 2019. When Living Labs evolve through time, the answers to the constructs/ questions in the evaluative scheme may change as well.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages71
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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