Meizothrombin formation during factor Xa-catalyzed prothrombin activation: Formation in a purified system and in plasma

Guido Tans*, Truus Janssen-Claessen, H. Coenraad Hemker, Robert F.A. Zwaal, Jan Rosing

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    Meizothrombin and thrombin formation were quantitated during factor Xa-catalyzed activation of human prothrombin in reaction systems containing purified proteins and in plasma. In the purified system considerable amounts of meizothrombin accumulated when prothrombin was activated by factor Xa (with or without accessory components) under initial steady state conditions. The ratio of the rates of meizothrombin and thrombin formation was not influenced by variation of the pH, temperature, or ionic strength of the reaction medium. When 2-mu-M prothrombin was activated by the complete prothrombinase complex (factor Xa, factor Va, Ca2+, and phospholipid) 80-90% of the initially formed reaction product was meizothrombin. Lowering the prothrombin concentration from 2 to 0.03-mu-M caused a gradual decrease in the ratio of meizothrombin/thrombin formation from 5 to 0.6. When the phosphatidylserine content of the phospholipid vesicles was varied between 20 and 1 mol% and prothrombin activation was analyzed at 2-mu-M prothrombin the relative amount of meizothrombin formed decreased from 85 to 55%. With platelets, cephalin, or thromboplastin as procoagulant lipid, thrombin was the major reaction product and only 30-40% of the activation product was meizothrombin. We also analyzed complete time courses of prothrombin activation both with purified proteins and in plasma. In reaction systems with purified proteins substantial amounts of meizothrombin accumulated under a wide variety of experimental conditions. However, little or no meizothrombin was detected in plasma in which coagulation was initiated via the extrinsic pathway with thromboplastin or via the intrinsic pathway with kaolin plus phospholipid (cephalin, platelets, or phosphatidylserine-containing vesicles). Thus, thrombin was the only active prothrombin activation product that accumulated during ex vivo coagulation experiments in plasma.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)21864-21873
    Number of pages10
    JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
    Issue number32
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 1991


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