Measuring rank mobility with variable population size

Walter Bossert, Burak Can, Conchita D'Ambrosio*

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We provide a characterization of a class of rank-mobility measures. These measures generalize the Kemeny measure that is well-known from the literature on measuring the distance between orderings. We use replication invariance to ensure that our measures are applicable in variable-population settings. The rank-based approach to mobility has a natural connection with the study of social status. Rank-based measures are widely applied in empirical research but their theoretical foundation is still in need of further investigation, and we consider our approach to be a contribution towards this objective. Journal of Economic Literature Classification No.: D63.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)917-931
Number of pages15
JournalSocial Choice and Welfare
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2016


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