Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life by Experiences: The Experience Sampling Method

I.H.L. Maes*, P.A.E.G. Delespaul, M.L. Peters, M.P. White, Y. van Horn, K. Schruers, L. Anteunis, M. Joore

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OBJECTIVE: To explore the potential value of obtaining momentary, instead of retrospective, accounts of the description and valuation of a person's own health-related quality of life (HRQOL). METHODS: Momentary HRQOL was examined with the experience sampling method (ESM) in 139 participants from four different samples. The ESM consists of a so-called beep questionnaire that was administered 10 times a day by an electronic device. Feasibility was determined by assessing willingness to participate in the study and by analyzing the percentage of dropouts and the number of completed beep questionnaires. Multilevel analysis was used to investigate the relation between momentary HRQOL and momentary feelings and symptoms. The relation between momentary outcomes and the EuroQol visual analogue scale was investigated with a multiple regression model. RESULTS: The overall participation rate was low, but there were no dropouts and the number of completed beeps was comparable to that in other studies. Multilevel analysis showed that feelings and symptoms were significant predictors of momentary HRQOL. The strength of these relations differed among three patient groups and a population-based sample. The EuroQol visual analogue scale was not predicted by momentary feelings and symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: We can conclude that the use of the ESM to measure accounts of the momentary experience of health in different populations is feasible. Retrospective measures may provide a biased account of the impact of health problems in the daily lives of people who are affected. Moreover, the bias may be different in different conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)44-51
Number of pages8
JournalValue in Health
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015


  • health-related quality of life
  • experience sampling method
  • preferences
  • utility measurement
  • PAIN


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