Making the implicit explicit: uncovering the role of the conceptions of teaching and learning and the perceptions of the learning climate in postgraduate medical training

Jaime L. Pacifico

Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisInternal


Postgraduate medical training refers to the specialty training a new graduate of medical school chooses. Each field of medicine has its own peculiarities during specialty training or more commonly known as residency training. More and more attention has been given in the past years to the overall training environment of young doctors in training.
The objective of this thesis is to highlight the role of perceptions of the learning climate and the conceptions of teaching in postgraduate medical training in improving the overall training environment in residency. To achieve this objective, an instrument that measures the learning climate, the Dutch Residency Educational Climate Test and another instrument Conceptions on Learning and Teaching (COLT) was cross-validated among Filipino physicians. The results showed it can be used among Filipino physicians after some modifications in the questionnaire. The existence of such instruments will enable monitoring of the impact that perceptions of the learning climate and conceptions of teaching of the clinical faculty, with the ultimate goal of using the data from these instruments to institute changes that will benefit the young doctors in training.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Maastricht University
  • Heeneman, Sylvia, Supervisor
  • van der Vleuten, Cornelis, Supervisor
Award date30 Nov 2020
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • postgraduate
  • medical training
  • conceptions of teaching
  • perceptions
  • learning climate


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