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The report provides a disability perspective on the European Pillar of Social Rights. Taking the Social Pillar principles as a starting point, it advocates for a strong disability mainstreaming approach throughout the developing policy framework. The full participation and equality of people with disabilities should not be limited to disability-specific policy proposals but, like gender equality, should be considered in all relevant policies and initiatives of the European Union. This report provides a starting point from which to achieve this within discussions on the Social Pillar.
The Social Pillar is an important development for the EU that renews its focus on effective rights for EU citizens. Its three core themes – equal opportunities and access to the labour market, fair working conditions and social protection and inclusion – are all relevant to people with disabilities and each area raises important questions about disability rights. Those rights are established not only by EU law but also in international law under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to which the EU is a party.
This report represents a substantial work of synthesis, arising from a European Commission request to the Academic network of European disability experts (ANED) in 2016. It has been produced by the collective effort of more than 40 authors, including country experts, topic experts and thematic rapporteurs. The result is a compendium work of reference that covers all of the 20 principles of the Social Pillar before driving deeper into an analysis of selected themes. Further evidence and examples are provided in individual country reports on these themes, from EU Member States and Associated Countries, which are all published on the ANED website.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUtrecht/Leeds
PublisherAcademic Network of European Disability experts (ANED)
Number of pages259
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018


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