Maastricht University graduate surveys 2023

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As in previous years, this factsheet provides a detailed report on the employability of graduates of Maastricht University (UM). The report sheds light on how well UM graduates are prepared for the labour market. More precisely, we answer the following questions: What are the labour market conditions for UM alumni shortly after graduation and what are their career paths five and ten years after graduation? How do they look back on their Masters studies at UM? We report on some key labour market outcomes, both for individual faculties and for UM as a whole. These include the unemployment rate, working hours and income, as well as satisfaction with the Master’s programme at Maastricht University. Additionally, based on questions initiated and financed by EDLAB, we report on alumni’s international career orientation and international skills. We show to what extent graduates perceive that the International Classroom, one of the pillars of Maastricht University education, contributes in terms of being able to cope with the internationalisation of the labour market.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMaastricht
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2023

Publication series

SeriesROA Fact Sheets


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