Lower versus Traditional Treatment Threshold for Neonatal Hypoglycemia

A. A. M. W. van Kempen*, P. F. Eskes, D. H. G. M. Nuytemans, J. H. van der Lee, L. M. Dijksman, N. R. van Veenendaal, F. J. P. C. M. van der Hulst, R. M. J. Moonen, L. J. I. Zimmermann, E. P. van't Verlaat, M. van Dongen-van Baal, B. A. Semmekrot, H. G. Stas, R. H. T. van Beek, J. J. Vlietman, P. H. Dijk, J. U. M. Termote, R. C. J. de Jonge, A. C. de Mol, M. W. A. HuysmanJ. H. Kok, M. Offringa, N. Boluyt, HypoEXIT Study Group

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BACKGROUND Worldwide, many newborns who are preterm, small or large for gestational age, or born to mothers with diabetes are screened for hypoglycemia, with a goal of preventing brain injury. However, there is no consensus on a treatment threshold that is safe but also avoids over treatment. METHODS In a multicenter, randomized, noninferiority trial involving 689 otherwise healthy newborns born at 35 weeks of gestation or later and identified as being at risk for hypoglycemia, we compared two threshold values for treatment of asymptomatic moderate hypoglycemia. We sought to determine whether a management strategy that used a lower threshold (treatment administered at a glucose concentration of

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)534-544
Number of pages11
JournalNew England Journal of Medicine
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 6 Feb 2020


  • AGE


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