L'oeuvre ex situ: Kounellis au château de Plieux.

J.M.M. Baetens*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Le catalogue d exposition est un genre fort particulier, qui oscille en permanence entre document et monument : s???il s???agit en effet de rendre compte d???une pratique souvent ??ph??m??re, il n???est pas rare de constater que le double photographique de l???oeuvre tend ?? s???en faire le substitut, voire ?? l???effacer ?? tout jamais. ?? partir d???un exemple pr??cis ??? emprunt?? au corpus de l??? arte povera (l???exposition Kounellis ?? Plieux) ???, cet article propose une microlecture de la fa??on dont l???auteur, le photographe ainsi que le metteur en pages d???un catalogue retrouvent et accentuent le geste cr??ateur initial. The exhibition catalogue is a strange genre, permanently oscillating between the opposite poles of document and monument : on the one hand, a good catalogue should be a trace of what has been shown or produced ; on the other hand, it often tends to function as a work of art in itself. This article proposes a close-reading of one such ambiguous publication ??? the catalogue of a recent Kounellis exhibition ??? in order to show how the creative impulse of the ???arte povera??? artist is saved and even reinforced by the conjugated efforts of a writer, a photographer and a graphic designer.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)100-106
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1998


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