
Attracting and retaining migrants can have many benefits for the host country and its economy, for example to mitigate skills shortages. Regulating immigration may prevent several negative consequences of a shrinking and ageing population. However, research and policy often focus on the highly skilled or so-called knowledge migrants (kennismigranten) as a source of human capital, which can increase innovation and a country’s competitiveness. A group of labour migrants that receives significantly less attention from research and policy, are the medium-skilled migrant workers. Although it makes up a significant share of the migrant population, this group is rarely supported by specific migration policies.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMaastricht
Number of pages133
Publication statusPublished - 30 Aug 2021

Publication series

SeriesROA Technical Reports
SeriesROA External Reports
VolumeWODC rapport


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