Introducing video consultations at public sexual health clinics in the Netherlands: a mixed-methods study

Filippo Zimbile*, Silke David, Maud Daemen, Anne Goossens, Josien Creemers, Rik Crutzen

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Video consultations (in combination with remote STI testing) can benefit both public sexual health clinics (SHCs) and their clients. The Dutch public SHCs explored the extent to which video consultations are accepted and appreciated-compared to face-to-face consultations-by both young clients (under 25 years) and nurses who normally carry out consultations. A mixed-methods study, using online questionnaires and telephone interviews with both young clients (aged under 25 years) and nurses (focus groups), was conducted to evaluate acceptance and appreciation of video and face-to-face consultations of the SHCs. Young clients evaluated 333 video consultations and 100 face-to-face consultations. Clients rated the VCs and F2F consultations as being of equal high level on five evaluation criteria (e.g. how it feels to talk about sex with a nurse, contact with the nurse). These positive results were confirmed in the interviews. Most important perceived advantages of VCs were time saving, ease, and feelings of comfort and safety. The nurses evaluated 422 VCs and 120 F2F consultations, rating the VCs and F2F consultations on an equal high level on three evaluation criteria (e.g., contact with the client, possibility to continue asking questions). Increasing accessibility of SHC consultations, getting faster to the point and saving time were mentioned as advantages of VCs during the focus group sessions with nurses. Video consultations are accepted and appreciated by young clients and nurses. They can be used for standard STI consultations that do not require a physical examination.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberdaac135
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalHealth Promotion International
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022


  • Humans
  • Netherlands
  • Referral and Consultation
  • Sexual Health
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis
  • Telemedicine
  • Young Adult


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