Increasing children's liking of vegetables through flavour-flavour learning

R.C. Havermans*, A.T.M. Jansen

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Positive flavour-flavour learning refers to a form of Pavlovian conditioning in which a neutral flavour is paired with an already preferred flavour. Due to this pairing one acquires an association between the neutral flavour and the liked flavour, resulting in a positive shift in liking and hence preference for the initially neutral flavour. In the present study, it was investigated whether a flavour-flavour learning procedure increases children's preference for a specific vegetable taste. Twenty one children were recruited and received six pairs of conditioning trials comprising the tasting of a sweetened vegetable and another unsweetened vegetable taste. At test the children had to evaluate the tastes unsweetened. Results show an increase in preference for the previously sweetened vegetable taste. It is concluded that flavour-flavour learning may be beneficial in increasing children's liking and acceptance of vegetables.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)259-262
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007


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