Ideas and integrity; how ideas of what is important influence scholarly work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


Recent big cases of scientific misconduct have led to an increase in debates about integrity of scientists and their work. These cases do not originate out of nothing but are the extremes of trends in contemporary science. Inspired by the Weberian notion about the functioning of ideas in the conduct of people, one can infer that the ideas of what is important in science, being published and being cited a lot, have had an impact on the interests and, thus, on the action of scholars. The pressure to publish has led to changes in publication behavior as is previously researched. Being cited often is also considered important but its impact on scholarly conduct is less well studied. This paper will build on research and tries to link this to historical trends in scholarly work. Doing so helps us to understand how, when, and why scholars are lead astray.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2014

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