ICU admission criteria for patients with self poisoning; reduction of admissions is possible

J. de Graaff, A.H. Froon, J.W.M. Greve, G. Ramsay

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Objective: to evaluate the possibility of formulating stricter icu admission criteria for patients with self-poisoning. Design: retrospective study of patients with self-poisoning in an icu. Setting: a university hospital. Patients: patients admitted to the icu with self-poisoning. Methods: patients who underwent specific icu inter-ventions during admission were compared with patients who did not receive these interventions. A modification of the apache ii score (m-aps), reflecting the actual health situation, and admission criteria as proposed by brett were assessed. By multiple logistic regression analysis, a new scoring system was suggested for this group of patients (self-poisoning admission screening score: spass). Results: the study included 79 patients: 13 were defined as needing icu admission and one patient died. Using brett's criteria, m-aps and spass, it is possible to reduce admissions by 63%, 46% and 67% respectively in this group of patients. Conclusion: reduction of patients on the icu due to self-poisoning is possible using admission criteria; however, prospective evaluation should be performed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)236-241
Number of pages236
JournalClinical Intensive Care
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1996


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