How children remember neutral and emotional pictures: boundary extension in children's scene memories

I. Candel*, H. Merckelbach, K. Houben, I. Vandyck

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Boundary extension is the tendency to remember more of a scene than was actually shown. The dominant interpretation of this memory illusion is that it originates from schemata that people construct when viewing a scene. Evidence of boundary extension has been obtained primarily with adult participants who remember neutral pictures. The current study addressed the developmental stability of this phenomenon. Therefore, we investigated whether children aged 1012 years display boundary extension for neutral pictures. Moreover, we examined emotional scene memory. Eighty-seven children drew pictures from memory after they had seen either neutral or emotional pictures. Both their neutral and emotional drawings revealed boundary extension. Apparently, the schema construction that underlies boundary extension is a robust and ubiquitous process.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)249-257
JournalAmerican Journal of Psychology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2004


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