Higher Preoperative Weight loss Is Associated with Greater Weight Loss up to 12 Months After Bariatric Surgery

Ine F L Romaen, Marijn T F Jense, Inge H Palm-Meinders, Evelien de Witte, Sofie A F Fransen, Jan Willem M Greve, Evert-Jan G Boerma*

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BACKGROUND: Prior research suggested presurgical weight loss is associated with greater total weight loss, resulting in a more effective bariatric intervention. We aimed to assess whether preoperative weight loss is a predictor for total weight loss, and which patient factors are associated with successful weight loss.

METHODS: All patients (N = 773) that underwent primary bariatric surgery between June 2017 and August 2019 were included in this single-center retrospective study. Outcome measures were preoperative weight loss (%preopWL) and total weight loss (%TWL) up to 1 year postoperatively. Patients were divided into 4 groups based on quartiles of %preopWL.

RESULTS: Total weight loss after 1, 6, and 12 months for the upper quartile was 16.9%, 33.4%, and 37.8%, and for the lower quartile 11.8%, 28.9%, and 35.2%, respectively (p < 0.001). Seven hundred fourteen patients (92.4%) were available for the 1-year follow-up. Preoperative weight loss was not associated with the incidence of complications. Independent factors predicting increased %preopWL were mandated preoperative weight loss program (MWP) (p < 0.001), older age (p = 0.005), weight measurement in the week before surgery (p = 0.031), and non-diabetic status (p = 0.010). Predictors for superior %TWL were MWP (p = 0.014), younger age (p = 0.001), non-diabetic status (p = 0.005), female gender (p = 0.001), higher Body Mass Index (p = 0.006), and banded gastric bypass (p = 0.001).

CONCLUSION: Higher preoperative weight loss is associated with persisting greater weight loss up to at least 12 months post-surgery. In order to optimize preoperative weight loss, we recommend extra preoperative support to younger and diabetic patients. We advise nutritional counseling and additional weight measurement in the week before surgery.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbers11695-022-06176-9
Pages (from-to)2860-2868
Number of pages9
JournalObesity Surgery
Issue number9
Early online date5 Jul 2022
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022


  • Bariatric surgery
  • Predicting patient factors
  • Preoperative weight loss
  • RISK
  • Total weight loss
  • Weight loss


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