High-restrained eaters only overeat when they are also impulsive

A.T.M. Jansen*, C. Nederkoorn, L. van Baak, C. Keirse, R. Guerrieri, R.C. Havermans

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Recent work shows that the inability to inhibit basic motor responses (like pressing a button) is related to overeating, weight gain and overweight. In the present study it was tested whether this inability to inhibit motor responses - or impulsivity - can differentiate between successful and Unsuccessful restrained eaters. A typical preload and food exposure paradigm Was used and it was hypothesized that only the high-restrained eaters that are Simultaneously inefficient inhibitors of prepotent motor responses would overeat when confronted with tempting foods. In line with the hypothesis, the data show that overeating follows from ail interaction between restraint and impulsivity: high-restrained eaters only overate when they were also impulsive. It is Concluded that being restrained per se is not a determinant of overeating. Being a restrained eater only bears the risk of overeating in case of coexisting impulsivity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)105-110
JournalBehaviour Research and Therapy
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009


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