High-missing-momentum components in the He-4(e,e '' p)H-3 reaction

J.J. van Leeuwe, H.P. Blok, J.F.J. van den Brand, H.J. Bulten, G.E. Dodge, R. Ent, W.H.A. Hesselink, E. Jans*, W.J. Kasdorp, J.M. Laget, L. Lapikas, S.I. Nagorny, C.J.G. Onderwater, A.R. Pellegrino, C.M. Spaltro, J.J.M. Steijger, R. Schiavilla, J.A. Templon, O. Unal

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The cross section of the He-4(e, e''p)H-3 reaction has been measured for missing momenta 220 less than or equal to p(m) less than or equal to 690 MeV/c to study high-momentum components of the nuclear wave function and the reaction mechanism for this transition. The zero predicted in the plane-wave impulse approximation (PWIA) cross section, due to the underlying pt momentum distribution, is found to be washed out. Three types of calculations indicate that this is caused by final-state interactions and contributions from two-body currents. The calculations reproduce the high p(m) (600-690 MeV/c) data, although due to different ingredients in the models.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2543-2546
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 23 Mar 1998
Externally publishedYes


  • HE-4


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