Health literacy in the Western Balkans: The example of Albania and Kosovo

E. Toçi

Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisInternal


Health literacy (HL), an essential determinant of health, is totally irrelevant to current health policy in Albania and Kosovo, two transitional Albanian speaking countries in South East Europe. Through a series of surveys in both countries, we argue that health literacy could be linked to both health determinants and outcomes with education being the most important modifiable risk factor of limited HL. The observed associations additionally suggest to increase the efficiency of current respective education systems and form a solid basis for the inclusion of HL measurement in the health policy agenda of both countries for guiding interventions to improve the health status of citizens in these communities.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Maastricht University
  • Brand, Helmut, Supervisor
  • Burazeri, Genc, Co-Supervisor
Award date2 Apr 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Albania
  • Kosovo
  • health literacy
  • socio-demographic factors
  • socioeconomic


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