Haplotype Motif-Based Models for KIR-Genotype Informed Selection of Hematopoietic Cell Donors Fail to Predict Outcome of Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndromes or Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia

J. Schetelig*, H. Baldauf, L. Koster, M. Kuxhausen, F. Heidenreich, L.C. de Wreede, S. Spellman, M. van Gelder, B. Bruno, F. Onida, V. Lange, C. Massalski, V. Potter, P. Ljungman, N. Schaap, P. Hayden, S.J. Lee, N. Kroger, K. Hsu, A.H. SchmidtI. Yakoub-Agha, M. Robin

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