Gene expression profiling of primary canine insulinomas and their metastases

Floryne O. Buishand*, Jolle Kirpensteijn, Alexandra A. Jaarsma, Ernst-Jan M. Speel, Marja Kik, Jan A. Mol

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


The gene expression profile of 10 primary canine insulinomas was compared with that of their accompanying metastases using microarray analysis and quantitative real time-PCR Analysis of microarray data revealed 84 genes that were differentially expressed between primary insulinomas and their metastases, along with 243 genes differentially expressed between a low-metastatic and a high-metastatic subset of primary insulinomas. The genes differently expressed between primary insulinomas and their metastases clustered together in nine signalling pathways. Comparing the low-metastatic to the high-metastatic subset of primary insulinomas, 26 pathways appeared to be significantly influenced. The acinar enzymes pancreatic lipase (PNLIP) and chymotrypsinogen B1 (CTRB1) were amongst the most down-regulated genes in the malignant group of primary insulinomas and in metastases. Immunofluorescence demonstrated co-localisation of insulin and PNLIP in tumour cells. Different subsets of canine insulinomas can be identified on the basis of their gene expression profile. Canine insulinomas appear to contain amphicrine cells, which exhibit both endocrine and exocrine cell features.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)192-197
JournalVeterinary Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2013


  • Insulinomas
  • Canine
  • Gene expression
  • Microarrays
  • Amphicrine
  • Lipase


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