French Covid-19 state aid to support airlines is not discriminatory (Ryanair v Commission (T-259/20))

Research output: Contribution to journalCase noteProfessional


Judgment of the General Court in the case Ryanair DAC v Commission. The deferral of the payment of aviation taxes introduced by France during the Covid-19 pandemic to support airlines holding a French licence is consistent with EU law. The aid scheme is appropriate for making good the economic damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and does not constitute discrimination.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberH&I 2021/272
Number of pages2
JournalHighlights & Insights in European Taxation
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2021

Court cases

TitleH&I 2021/272
CourtHof van Justitie EU
Date of judgement17/02/21
Case numberT-259/20


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