Framework for collaborative projects: A partners selection case study

M. Vaez-Alaei, I. Deniaud, F. Marmier, R. Cowan, D. Gourc

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperAcademic


In this paper data of a European strategic alliance (KAAT project) is used to demonstrate the application of the proposed partner selection framework. This paper is aimed at (1) illustrating the approach for measuring similarity, complementarity, and coverage of knowledge, (2) illustrating the approach for evaluating the partners' history of collaboration, (3) demonstrating the proposed framework using the actual data, and (4) investigating the position of this framework in the forthcoming research as well as in the selection of partners in complex projects in practice.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2022

JEL classifications

  • h43 - "Project Evaluation; Social Discount Rate"


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