Food liking, food wanting, and sensory-specific satiety

R.C. Havermans*, T. Janssen, J.C.A.H. Giesen, A.J. Roefs, A.T.M. Jansen

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Sensory-specific satiety refers to a temporary decline in pleasure derived from consuming a certain food in comparison to other unconsumed foods. It has been argued that such a reduction may not be limited to food liking but extends to food wanting as well. Animal research suggests that sensory-specific satiety reflects a reduction in both food liking and food wanting and in the present study it was investigated whether this also holds true for humans. Participants had to consume a certain amount of chocolate milk and afterwards approximately half of the participants played a game to obtain more chocolate milk, whereas the other half played a game to obtain crisps. Participants showed a decline in subjective liking of taste and smell of the chocolate milk in comparison to crisps. Furthermore, they showed less motivation (i.e. wanting) to obtain more chocolate milk. It is concluded that sensory-specific satiety in humans reflects a decrease in both food liking and food wanting.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)222-225
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009

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