Event related potentials and white matter lesions in bipolar disorder.

E.F.P.M. Vuurman, A. Honig, T.h Lamers, J. Wiersma, A.C. Krabbendam, P.A.M. Hofman, W.A. Nolen, J. Jolles

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Objectives: To investigate neurophysiological parameters which possibly distinguish subtypes I and II of patients with a bipolar disorder, and contrast the findings with observations from a group of schizophrenic patients and a group of healthy controls. Methods: Sixty-six volunteers underwent a MRI scan to determine the number and location of white matter lesions (WSL). A electrophysiological registration was made while all volunteers performed a auditory 'oddball' task, and the amplitude of the resulting P300 wave was compared. Results: Earlier reports of higher numbers of WSL in bipolar disorder were not replicated in this study. Subtypes I and II showed a different P300 amplitude and subtype I resembled the results of the schizophrenia group. Conclusion: Bipolar patients in remission have a functional brain disorder that is expressed by a change in physiological response to external stimuli.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11-16
JournalActa Neuropsychiatrica
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2002


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