Enophthalmus als eerste uiting van borstkanker

M.P. Mourits, P. Saeed, R.J.H.M. Kloos

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Metastasis of breast carcinoma to the orbit is characterized by symptoms of altered appearance and double vision. A combination of enophthalmos, ptosis and impairment of eye movements is typical. Sometimes these symptoms are the first manifestation of breast carcinoma. Case description Two female patients, aged 66 and 52, presented with enophthalmos. Both had recently undergone mammography with no abnormalities being observed. CT scans of these patients disclosed an intraorbital, spaceoccupying process. Histological examination of biopsies from the abnormal tissue revealed that both patients had metastatic breast carcinoma. Conclusion In a female patient with nontraumatic enophthalmos, metastasis of breast carcinoma must be ruled out and reliance may not be placed on a mammogram revealing no abnormalities.

Original languageDutch
Article numberA9114
JournalNederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
Issue number36
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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