Effects of age on performance in a finger-precuing task

Jos J. Adam*, Fred G.W.C. Paas, Joep C. Teeken, Editha M. van Loon, Martin P. J. van Boxtel, Peter J. Houx, Jelle Jolles

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This study investigated age-related precuing effects in the finger-precuing task (J. Miller, 1982). In this task, a spatial precue provides partial advance information about which fingers to use for responding. Results indicated a substantial age-related deficit in preparing 2 fingers on 2 hands, but not on 1 hand. This disparate set of findings does not provide strong support for A. A. Hartley's (1993) hypothesis that anterior brain attention systems responsible for selection-for-action are compromised with advancing age. Finally, the authors report that advancing age increasingly slows reaction time more to the inner than to the outer stimulus-response positions. A possible mechanism of this age-related bowed stimulus-response position effect is discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)870-883
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception and Performance
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1998


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