Dragon 1 Protocol Manuscript: Training, Accreditation, Implementation and Safety Evaluation of Portal and Hepatic Vein Embolization (PVE/HVE) to Accelerate Future Liver Remnant (FLR) Hypertrophy
R Korenblik*, B Olij, L A Aldrighetti, M Abu Hilal, M Ahle, B Arslan, L J van Baardewijk, I Baclija, C Bent, C L Bertrand, B Björnsson, M T de Boer, S W de Boer, R P H Bokkers, I H M Borel Rinkes, S Breitenstein, R C G Bruijnen, P Bruners, M W Büchler, J C CamachoA Cappelli, U Carling, B K Y Chan, D H Chang, J Choi, J Codina Font, M Crawford, D Croagh, E Cugat, R Davis, D W De Boo, F De Cobelli, J F De Wispelaere, O M van Delden, M Delle, O Detry, R Díaz-Nieto, A Dili, J I Erdmann, O Fisher, C Fondevila, Å Fretland, F Garcia Borobia, A Gelabert, L Gérard, F Giuliante, P D Gobardhan, F Gómez, T Grünberger, D J Grünhagen, J Guitart, J Hagendoorn, J Heil, D Heise, E Herrero, G F Hess, M H Hoffmann, R Iezzi, F Imani, J Nguyen, E Jovine, J C Kalff, G Kazemier, T P Kingham, J Kleeff, O Kollmar, W K G Leclercq, S Lopez Ben, V Lucidi, A MacDonald, D C Madoff, S Manekeller, G Martel, A Mehrabi, H Mehrzad, M R Meijerink, K Menon, P Metrakos, C Meyer, A Moelker, S Modi, N Montanari, J Navines, U P Neumann, P Peddu, J N Primrose, X Qu, D Raptis, F Ratti, F Ridouani, C Rogan, U Ronellenfitsch, S Ryan, C Sallemi, J Sampere Moragues, P Sandström, L Sarriá, A Schnitzbauer, M Serenari, A Serrablo, M L J Smits, E Sparrelid, E Spüntrup, G A Stavrou, R P Sutcliffe, I Tancredi, J C Tasse, V Udupa, D Valenti, Y Fundora, T J Vogl, X Wang, S A White, W A Wohlgemuth, D Yu, I A J Zijlstra, C A Binkert, M H A Bemelmans, C van der Leij, E Schadde, R M van Dam*
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