Dosimetry and Monte Carlo modelling of the Papillon+ contact X-ray brachytherapy device

Dries Colson, Burak Yalvac, Jan Weterings, An-Sofie Verrijssen, Paul van Haaren, Murillo Bellezzo, Maaike Berbée, Evert J Van Limbergen, Olivier Croce, Frank Verhaegen, Brigitte Reniers*

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PURPOSE: This study aimed to develop and validate a Monte Carlo (MC) model for the Papillon+ contact x-ray brachytherapy (CXB) device, producing 50 kilovolt (kV) X-rays, specifically focusing on its application with a 25 mm diameter rectal applicator for contact therapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The validation process involved depth dose and transverse dose profile measurements using EBT3 gafchromic films positioned in a plastic water low energy range phantom. The half-value layer (HVL) was further measured and derived from the simulated X-ray spectra. RESULTS: Excellent agreement within ±2% was achieved between the measured and simulated on-axis depth dose curves for the 25 mm rectal applicator. Transverse dose profile measurements showed a high level of agreement between the simulation and measurements, on average 3.1% in contact with the applicator at the surface of the phantom and on average 1.7% at 10 mm depth. A close agreement within 5.5% was noticed concerning the HVL between the measurement and simulation. The simulated gamma spectra and 2D-dose distribution demonstrated a soft X-ray energy spectrum and a uniform dose distribution in contact with the applicator. CONCLUSIONS: An MC model was successfully developed for the Papillon+ eBT device with a 25 mm diameter rectal applicator. The validated model, with its demonstrated accuracy in depth dose and transverse dose profile simulations, is a valuable tool for quality assurance and patient safety and, in a later phase, may be used for treatment planning, dose calculations and tissue inhomogeneity corrections.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)535-548
Number of pages14
Issue number5
Early online date4 Jul 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2024


  • Contact X-ray brachytherapy
  • Monte Carlo modelling
  • Papillon treatment
  • Rectal cancer


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