Dominance of S-1(0) proton-pair emission in the O-16(e,e'pp) reaction

CJG Onderwater*, K Allaart, EC Aschenauer, DJ Boersma, E Cisbani, S Frullani, F Garibaldi, WJW Geurts, WHA Hesselink, M Iodice, E Jans, N KalantarNayestanaki, WJ Kasdorp, C Kormanyos, L Lapikas, JJ vanLeeuwe, R DeLeo, A Misiejuk, AR Pellegrino, R PerrinoR Starink, G vanderSteenhoven, JJM Steijger, MA vanUden, GM Urciuoli, LB Weinstein, HW Willering

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The reaction O-16(e, e'pp) has been studied at a transferred four-momentum (omega, \q\) = (210 MeV, 300 MeV/c). Evidence has been obtained for direct knockout of proton pairs from the 1p shell. The excitation-energy spectrum of the residual nucleus and the missing-momentum densities indicate that knockout of a S-1(0) pair dominates the reaction, while there is also a noticeable contribution from knockout of P-3 pairs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4893-4897
Number of pages5
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number26
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 1997
Externally publishedYes


  • Nucleon-nucleon correlations
  • Single-particle properties
  • Short-range correlations
  • Spectral-function
  • O-16
  • Matter


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