Decline in Isotope Dilution Space Ratio Above Age 60 Could Affect Energy Estimates Using the Doubly Labeled Water Method

William W Wong*, John R Speakman, Philip N Ainslie, Liam J Anderson, Leonore Arab, Issad Baddou, Kweku Bedu-Addo, Ellen E Blaak, Stephane Blanc, Alberto G Bonomi, Carlijn V C Bouten, Pascal Bovet, Maciej S Buchowski, Nancy F Butte, Stefan G Camps, Regina Casper, Graeme L Close, Lisa H Colbert, Jamie A Cooper, Sai K DasPeter S W Davies, Simon Eaton, Ulf Ekelund, Catherine Hambly, Asmaa El Hamdouchi, Sonja Entringer, Barry W Fudge, Melanie Gillingham, Annelies H Goris, Micheal Gurven, Marije B Hoos, Sumei Hu, Annemiek Joosen, Peter T Katzmarzyk, Kitty P Kempen, Misaka Kimura, William E Kraus, Robert F Kushner, Christel L Larsson, James C Morehen, James P Morton, Marian L Neuhouser, Theresa A Nicklas, Robert M Ojiambo, Kirsi H Pietilainen, Yannis P Pitsiladis, Guy Plasqui, Ross L Prentice, Roberto Rabinovich, Susan B Racette, IAEA DLW Database Consortium, Giulio Valenti, Ludovicus van Etten, E.G. van Mil, Jeanine A. Verbunt, Klaas Westerterp

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Background: Doubly labeled water is gold standard for measuring total energy expenditure (TEE). Measurements using the method are sensitive to the isotope dilution space ratio (DSR). Accuracy and precision of the method might be improved if we could identify factors influencing DSR. Objectives: We evaluated the potential associations of age, sex, ethnicity, anthropometry, body composition, turnover rates of the isotopes, and geographical elevation with DSR. Methods: We used univariate regression analysis to explore the relationships between the continuous variables and analysis of variance to test the relationships between the categorical variables with DSR. Subsequently, we used general linear model (GLM) and 1-way analysis of variance to evaluate the simultaneous associations of age, sex, ethnicity, fat-free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM) on DSR. Results: From 5678 measurements complied from studies around the world with diverse ethnicity and living at various elevations, the mean DSR was 1.0364 ± 0.0141. No meaningful physiologic effect of any of the continuous and categorical variable on DSR was detected. General linear model analysis revealed no effect of FFM and FM (P > 0.33) on DSR, but DSR decreased with age (P < 0.001) among those aged 60 y and older regardless of sex. Among the Whites who were younger than 60 y, DSR was not related to FFM and FM (P = 0.73) but was affected by both age and sex (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Previous estimates of age-related decline in TEE may have overestimated TEE at age 90 y. Validation studies on older participants are required to confirm this finding.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3824-3831
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Nutrition
Issue number12
Early online date14 Oct 2024
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024


  • doubly labeled water
  • energy expenditure
  • isotope dilution space ratio


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