De zorg voor volwassenen met downsyndroom

T. Coppus*, A. Wagemans

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Coppus amw, wagemans ama. Caring for adults with down syndrome. Huisarts wet 2014;57(8):420-4. The life expectancy of people with down syndrome has increased considerably, and many individuals live to be 60-70 years old. However, ageing is accompanied by specific problems. Ageing begins earlier, occurs more rapidly, and is accompanied by more complications, including an increased risk of dementia, in individuals with down syndrome. Individuals also experience disorders that accompany down syndrome, such as sensory deficits, hypothyroidism, musculoskeletal disorders, skin disorders, and psychiatric problems.while children with down syndrome are probably under the care of a paediatrician, adults with health problems will probably visit their general practitioner. However, because most gps probably have few patients with down syndrome in their practice, they may miss relevant clinical signs and symptoms. If there are questions about diagnosis or treatment, patients can be referred to doctors specialized in the treatment of individuals with intellectual disabilities or to a multidisciplinary clinic for down syndrome. Addresses can be found on the website of the nederlandse vereniging van artsen voor verstandelijk gehandicapten (dutch association for intellectual disability;
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)420-424
JournalHuisarts en Wetenschap
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014

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