Data on sex differences in one-year outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients without ST-segment elevation

Eva M. Spoormans, Jorrit S. Lemkes*, Gladys N. Janssens, Nina W. van der Hoeven, Lucia S. D. Jewbali, Eric A. Dubois, Peter M. van de Ven, Martijn Meuwissen, Tom A. Rijpstra, Hans A. Bosker, Michiel J. Blans, Gabe B. Bleeker, Remon Baak, Georgios J. Vlachojannis, Bob J. W. Eikemans, Pim van der Harst, Iwanc. C. van der Horst, Michiel Voskuil, Joris J. van der Heijden, Albertus BeishuizenMartin Stoel, Cyril Camaro, Hans van der Hoeven, Jose P. Henriques, Alexander P. J. Vlaar, Maarten A. Vink, Bas van den Bogaard, Ton A. C. M. Heestermans, Wouter de Ruijter, Thijs S. R. Delnoij, Harry J. G. M. Crijns, Gillian A. J. Jessurun, Pranobe V. Oemrawsingh, Marcel T. M. Gosselink, Koos Plomp, Michael Magro, Paul W. G. Elbers, Yolande Appelman, Niels van Royen

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Sex differences in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients are increasingly recognized. Although it has been found that post-resuscitated women are less likely to have significant coronary artery disease (CAD) than men, data on follow-up in these patients are limited. Data for this data in brief article was obtained as a part of the randomized controlled Coronary Angiography after Cardiac Arrest without ST-segment elevation (COACT) trial. The data supplements the manuscript "Sex differences in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients without ST-segment elevation: A COACT trial substudy" were it was found that women were less likely to have significant CAD including chronic total occlusions, and had worse survival when CAD was present. The dataset presented in this paper describes sex differences on interventions, implantable-cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) shocks and hospitalizations due to heart failure during one-year follow-up in patients successfully resuscitated after OHCA. Data was derived through a telephone interview at one year with the patient or general practitioner. Patients in this randomized dataset reflects a homogenous study population, which can be valuable to further build on research regarding long-term sex differences and to further improve cardiac care. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106521
Number of pages5
JournalData in brief
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


  • Sex differences
  • Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
  • Coronary angiography
  • One-year outcomes


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