Correction to: Impact of whole dairy matrix on musculoskeletal health and aging–current knowledge and research gaps

N. R. W. Geiker*, C. Molgaard, S. Iuliano, R. Rizzoli, Y. Manios, L. J. C. van Loon, J. -M. Lecerf, G. Moschonis, J. -Y. Reginster, I. Givens, A. Astrup

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalErratum / corrigendum / retractionsAcademic


The article Impact of whole dairy matrix on musculoskeletal health and aging-current knowledge and research gaps written by N.R.W. Geiker, C. Molgaard, S. Iuliano, R. Rizzoli,Y. Manios, L.J.C. van Loon, J.-M. Lecerf, G. Moschonis, J.-Y. Reginster, I. Givens, A. Astrup.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)795-795
Number of pages1
JournalOsteoporosis International
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2020


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